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Friday, July 11, 2008

Troubleshoot sidebar bottom page problems Part 3

If you find the sidebar of your blog pushed to the bottom of the page, a very likely reason is that you have added something to one of your blog post which is too wide for the main column (a blog usually consists of the Header, Main Column, one or more Sidebars, Footer). To narrow down to the actual blog post that is causing the problem, either:
  1. Go to SETTINGS > FORMATTING and set the main column to display only 1 post in the main column. Then view the post 1 by 1 and see in which post you have the problem

  2. or
  3. go to the Dashboard for the problem blog where each post are listed one by one (click EDIT POST). Observe in which post the sidebar is at the bottom of the page

The post which have the sidebar at the bottom of the page is the culprit. Determine the width of the main column (click BACK button to get back to this page) and check what is in that post that has width more than the width of the main column. Edit the post so that the width of whatever is causing the problem so that its width is the same or narrower than the width of the main column.

To give you an idea of how to edit a video, refer to edit Youtube script to fit main column (click BACK button to get back to this page) or sidebar.

If it is not the blog post, then the problem could be something in the sidebar or the template, in which case refer to troubleshoot sidebar at bottom of page Part 1 (click BACK button to get back to this page) or troubleshoot sidebar at bottom of page problem Part 2(click BACK button to get back to this page)

Update 17 September 2010: A reader solved her "sidebar at the bottom" problem by reducing the number of posts in the homepage from 25 posts to 10. Each of those 15 posts was published individually (permalink) and was found to not have caused the sidebar to slide to the bottom. Thus the possibility of content in one or more of those 15 posts causing the sidebar at bottom of page problem was eliminated.

If you have many posts in your homepage and your sidebar is at the bottom of the page, you may want to try having less posts on your homepage.


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