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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

New Interface Wednesdays: Chart and change metric feature

Have you ever changed ad formats and wanted to see which actually performed better? Now you can, with the new chart and change metric features. If you've created and saved an ad unit in your account, you'll now be able to do this easily in your ad sizes report.
  • Start by visiting the Performance Reports tab and choosing the ad sizes report
  • Check the boxes next to each format you want to see and then click the Chart button
This overlays the earnings of both ad formats you've selected so you can compare them on the same graph. You can still toggle the metrics shown on the graph using the radio buttons to the right of it so you can compare CTR, RPM and other metrics that are relevant to you.

Try it now! Navigate to the new interface and click on the Performance Reports tab, and then Ad sizes.


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