I have previously let off steam and griped about what is happening to my country at My dream: Retire to Hawaii and continue to blog from there (click BACK button to get back to this page). I have complained about the how the delineation of the electoral constituencies have been drawn up so a rural vote is equivalent to 10 to 20 times the vote of an urban voter, and how this has made it practically impossible for the citizens and the opposition to dislodge the current ruling coalition or even deny them a two third majority to prevent any more detrimental amendments to the constitution. I have complained about how the ruling coalition uses the NEP (New Economic Policy) for patronage system to entrench themselves in power and enrich the few close to the ruling parties. I have complained about the huge amount of public fund being squandered with no one being made accountable for it. I have complained about the 3 pillars of democracy - the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary, which is supposed to provide check and balance, being destroyed so much so that the Executive now practically controls everything. I have complained about creeping Islamisation, with even the Chief Justice now talking about the Common Law being replaced by the Syariah (Islamic) law. I have talked about a Minister in the Prime Minister Department threatening to use the Internal Security Act (ISA), which allows detention without trial, against bloggers who exposes the problems, the wrong doings and the corruptions, even if they are backed by documents. I am very concerned at the developments, and have expressed my dream to retire to Hawaii and continue to blog from there.
But Hawaii is not a cheap place to retire to. Honolulu, the capital of Hawaii, has its cost of living rated 78.40% higher than the U.S. average. In comparison, the capital city of Florida which also have a sub-tropical and tropical climate, Tallahassee has a cost of living rated 6.23% Lower than the U.S. average, and Florida is almost as pleasant place to retire to as Hawaii.
This site real estate has a listing of all the properties for sale in Continental US including Florida real estate. They also have a site to help with moving. Can't afford to purchase? No problem. I can always look for houses for rent.
Sounds promising.
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