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Thursday, March 29, 2007

Different profiles for different blogs in the same Blogger account Part II

If you have different blogs in the same Blogger account, you will have the same profile for all the different blogs. Some have tried to get around this by inviting himself to a blog, and then trying to remove the "original" owner, but that is not allowed by Blogger.

Here is a workaround on how you can have a different profile for different blogs in the same Blogger account. Delete the Profile Page Element from the Layout. Add a New Page Element, selecting "HTML/Javascript" (Selecting Text is also possible). Put "Profile" for the title of the Page Element. Have a profile photo ready and uploaded to the Web, and get its URL. If you do not know the width of the sidebar, get into the template editor and look for this block of code

#sidebar-wrapper {
width: 150px;
float: right;
word-wrap: break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */

The above is for the blog Generating Revenue from your Website and it tells me that the width of the sidebar is 150 pixels wide.

Then in the window of the HTML/Javascript, Type <img src="photo URL" width="395" /> followed by the text you want to describe yourself. You can even add hyperlinks if you want as I have done for the profile in Generating Revenue from your Website. You can check it. It is at the bottom of the left sidebar.

To complete this post, I will paste the HTML I used for that profile in the scroll box below:

<img width="145" src=""/>. I am just a simple retiree enjoying himself <a href="">blogging</a> and participating in <a href="">Google AdSense</a>

A blog reader asked how to make the profile open in a new window. For that you will have to use hyperlink like this <a href="URL of profile" target="_blank"><img src="profile photo URL" width="W"><'center>Write something about yourself></a>. The URL profile may be the actual profile of a blog or a post/blog about yourself. I think I will give an illustration of this by creating one for demonstration. Check out this blog: Alternative Medicine. It is at the bottom of the left sidebar. I have used this technique to create a "All About Me" profile which when clicked take you to the full profile. Note that in the "All About Me", there are some clickable links.

Note that in order for me to ensure the photo fits the sidebar, I have to find out how wide is the sidbar, and for this I have to get into the template editor and look for this script:

#sidebar-wrapper {
width: 150px;
float: right;
word-wrap: break-word; /* fix for long text breaking sidebar float in IE */

which tells me the sidebar is 150 pixels wide. So I have to put the attribute width="145" into the <img> tag.

To do that profile, I clicked "Add a Page Element" in the LAYOUT and selected HTML/Javascript and put "All About Me in the title, then typed what you see in the scroll box below into the "page element editor":

<a href="" target="_blank"><img width="145" alt="My Profile" src=""/><center>I am just a simple pensioner who spend his free time <a href="">blogging</a>, participating in the <a href="">Google AdSense Program</a>, learning lots of things in the process and enjoying every minute of it (click on photo to see my full profile).</center></a>

Of course you have to change the URL of the specially made profile page, the photo URL and the text in the HTML to suit your own situation.

Acknowledgement: This post is the result of a comment by ~HJ of ~HJ's profile in my post How to have different profiles in the same Blogger account (click "BACK" button to get back to this page).


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