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Friday, March 23, 2007

Another easy feed reader and social bookmarking service

To help build traffic to your website, it is always good to let visitors have an easy way to subscribe to feeds to be kept updated on new posts in your blog. In this way, visitors using a suitable feed reader can keep an eye on your blog for new post, and visit your blog when they see something interesting or useful.

Social bookmarking now is also very important to help building traffic. The problem is there are a multitudes of social bookmarking services and feed readers. I have written a previous post on an easy way to social bookmarking for your blog at Easy social bookmarking for your Website (click "BACK" button to get back to this page. A reader of my blog alerted me to a similar service AddToAny.

I have used AddToAny to add an icon for my blog reader to easily add my blog to their feed reader at Good Health Information. You can find the icon at the top of the left sidebar. Click on it and see what happen. I have also added a "bookmark manager" to the same Page Element (to save valuable real estate above the fold. If I use a separate Page Element to add the script, there will be a large empty space between the feed icon and the bookmark icon. By adding the script in the same Page Element, using a <br /> tag to put them on separate lines, I have greatly reduced the white space between the 2 icons). If you are interested in the scripts I used for the two icons, I put them below in the scroll box:

<a href=""><img border="0" width="110" alt="Add to any service" src="" height="17" title="Add to any service"/></a>

<a href=""><img border="0" width="91" alt="Add to any service" src="" height="29" title="Add to any service"/></a>

The advantage of AddToAny is that it is very easy to use. The advantage/disadvantage (depending on how you look at ot is that you don't need to register for an account. This also means you have no way of finding out how many people are subscribed to your feed.

Acknowledgement: I was tipped off about the existence of AddToAny by BlogmasterPg


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